Still on my quest to try new things, I made yet another exploration this morning with my oatmeal. I prepared it as usual: 1/4 + 1/8 cup of quick oats heated with 1 cup of skim milk, and a packet of Equal added for sweetness. Then, I added 1/2 cup of canned pumpkin (unsweetened). I would never have thought of this on my own, but someone mentioned to me that they had seen it somewhere and I thought it might be worth trying. Then, pumpkin came up in the budget foods article I read recently (see link in yesterday's post) and I was inspired enough to try it. I may have added too much, as it made my oatmeal kind of pasty in texture. However, I wanted to add an amount that would at least be significant toward my recommendations. I also added 2 tablespoons of chopped walnuts. For some reason, I thought it would taste like pumpkin pie, but it didn't (I guess that's because pumpkin pie has all kinds of sugar and other ingredients added to it...silly me). I did add a considerable amount of cinnamon, and a little nutmeg to try and capture that tasty dessert flavor, but I must be honest...I wasn't that impressed. It was really just what it sounds like...pureed squash added to oatmeal. I'm not sure if I will be having this again, but at least I tried, right? Now I have to find something to do with the rest of the can of pumpkin. I see myself baking pumpkin muffins in the near future...
All together, this meal provided:
Grains: 1 1/2 oz whole (oatmeal)
Fruits: 0
Vegetables: 1/2 cup (pumpkin)
Milk: 2 cup (skim milk in latte and oatmeal)
Meats & beans: 1 oz (walnuts)
Oils: 1 teaspoon (walnuts)
The cost of this meal was approximately: $1.03
All together, this meal provided:
Grains: 1 oz whole (about 1/2 cup brown rice in mixture)
Fruits: 1 cup (apple juice)
Vegetables: 1 1/4 cups (1 cup green beans + 1/4 cup tomatoes in mixture)
Milk: 3/4 cup (yogurt)
Meats & beans: 1 oz (about 1/4 cup chickpeas in mixture)
Oils: 1 teaspoon (Smart Balance on green beans)
The cost of this meal was approximately: $1.06
All together, this meal provided:
Grains: 2 oz whole (brown rice)
Fruits: 1 cup (apricots)
Vegetables: 1 1/2 cups (mixed vegetables)
Milk: 0
Meats & beans: 4 oz (chicken)
Oils: 2 teaspoons (oil)
The cost of this meal was approximately: $2.61
How did I do today?
Grains: 4 1/2 oz out of 6 oz (all were whole)
Fruits: 2 cups out of 2 cups
Vegetables: 3 1/4 cups out of 2 1/2 cups
Milk: 2 3/4 cups out of 3 cups
Meats & Beans: 6 oz out of 5 1/2 oz
Oils: 4 teaspoons out of 6 teaspoons
Total cost for the day: $4.70
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