Breakfast (8am):
8 oz cup coffee
2 tbsp fat free half and half
1 1/2 cups Special K Blueberry cereal
1/2 cup skim milk
6 oz glass of blueberry pomegranate juice
I went back to the Speciak K cereal this morning, despite the fact that the last time I had it I almost passed out a few hours later! I had a bigger serving this morning but still only used a half cup of milk. I'm not too into milk by itself anyway, I just use it to moisten. I never did try the rice milk in cereal. I used it all up last night in an attempt to make pudding from it, which did not work out at all, by the way. I made the instant kind and even used less rice milk than the directions call for (a tip I saw on Davita)-but two hours later the pudding still had not set. So much for my big idea of using rice milk as a milk substitute this week.
Snack (11:30am):
6 unsalted crackers
2 tbsp whipped cream cheese
I made it until 11:30 for a snack today-hooray! But I was pretty hungry by then. Instead of having my normal "at work" snack of a muffin, I went with something that includes fat so hopefully I'll be able to feel full longer.
I made it until 11:30 for a snack today-hooray! But I was pretty hungry by then. Instead of having my normal "at work" snack of a muffin, I went with something that includes fat so hopefully I'll be able to feel full longer.
Leftovers for Lunch (1:30pm):
3 oz pork chop
1 cup lemony rice pilaf
3/4 cup asparagus
I walked again during lunch today, this time inside at the fitness center. I was just starting to feel very hungry as I was finishing up on the treadmill after 45 minutes. It was better than realizing I was dying of starvation and still being a half mile away from my lunch! By the way, this meal was just as delicious the next day.

I walked again during lunch today, this time inside at the fitness center. I was just starting to feel very hungry as I was finishing up on the treadmill after 45 minutes. It was better than realizing I was dying of starvation and still being a half mile away from my lunch! By the way, this meal was just as delicious the next day.
Snack (4:30 pm): Not much different from yesterday
8 oz cup of coffee with 2 pkg coffee mate non-dairy creamer
6 vanilla wafersDinner: the final challenge!
From Chinese Express, affectionately titled "the Blue Hut" (right by the big Amoco sign near 40 and McCausland):
Egg drop soup
Buddhist Delight (about 2 cups veggies) with 3/4 cup steamed white rice
2 crab rangoon
I already had most of my meat servings for the day. The food here is not very salty as one would
1 slice strawberry bread (from Davita again) :,_pasta_and_breads/a/1762
3 tbsp Cool Whip Lite
Misc. H2O Record:
10 oz (morning/early afternoon)
6 oz (afternoon)
8 oz (early evening)
4 oz (with dinner)
How compliant was I today?
Total calories: 1947 out of 1861 allowed
Total fluids: 1830 mL out of 1861 mL allowed
Protein: 75 g out of 53 g allowed
Phosphorus: 1113 out of 1200 mg allowed
Potassium: 2952 mg out of 2127 mg allowed
Sodium: 3192 mg out of 3000 allowed
Well, these numbers show that I was not very compliant today, but I am going to rate myself as good because I'm still not sure I totally trust this analysis. I stuck to the plan today and even had less of my meat servings than I was supposed to. I am positive that the sodium was not this high based on my tastebuds, and lack of being able to enter the exact items I ate at the restaurant into MyPyramid. But hey, it's the end of the last day! I survived the week!
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