Breakfast: Giving the cream of wheat another go
8 oz cup coffee
2 tbsp fat-free half and half
2 pkg (1 oz each) instant cream of wheat cereal, made with 2/3 cup water and 1/2 cup rice milk
added: 1 1/2 tsp Smart Balance Light, 1/2 pkg Equal, and cinnamon
3/4 cup canned fruit cocktail
I used less fluid in the cream of wheat to make it thicker, like oatmeal, and it was a lot better. It's still not "hearty" enough for me, but what can you do. The Smart Balance and cinnamon actually gave it a pretty good flavor, and I'm hoping the addition of fat helps me feel a little fuller. I probably should have used the regular Smart Balance though, since the "Light" is called that for a reason.
Snack: Pre and post workout
Pre: 6 oz apple juice
Post: Fiber One bar
I had weight training class again today, but instead of the bagel I just brought a Fiber One bar, which is my normal snack after workout. According to the label it only has 2 g of protein, as opposed to 4 in half of a bagel. It's more satisfying too, because of the fiber. The label doesn't show potassium or phosphorus content, and I doubt the exact food will be in the food database on MyPyramid-but oh well. Protein is my main concern because that's where I keep going over.
I was absolutely starving again by about 10 minutes before class ended. I wasn't sure if I was going to make it, but I was really glad I actually brought something that might fill me up.
Lunch: Nothing too exciting
Turkey sandwich on white bread:
1.5 oz Healthy Ones turkey
1/2 slice colby cheese
3/4 cup cooked baby carrots
1 1/2 tsp Smart Balance Light (on bread and carrots)
3 vanilla wafers (an afterthought...not pictured)
Snack: Well, now I've done it!
8 oz chai tea
Matt and I went for a walk in Kirkwood today and stopped by Kaldi's for coffee. I ordered a Chai tea, thinking here's a good choice, it's just spiced tea. I didn't realize that chai tea is tea brewed in milk (and I thought I was being good not ordering a latte!). It was very good, though. However, I've probably blown the diet for the day since I already used my "milk allowance."
Dinner: Something new for a change!
Chicken and Apple Curry
4 oz chicken breast
1/2 cup sauce (made of onions, apples, garlic, Smart Balance, chicken broth, rice milk, flour)
1/2 cup potatoes
3/4 cup rice
I was really feeling at a loss as far as what I should make for dinner the next few nights. I went online and found some really great recipes for renal patients on the Davita website. They even say whether each recipe is good for pre-dialysis, dialysis, and diabetic patients (or all of the above). This curry turned out pretty well, and it's something I would have made anyway. I added the potatoes for Matt, but I had to have a few of them. I limited it to a half cup, though.
Dessert: Jell-o again
1/2 cup cherry Jell-o with 2 tbsp Cool Whip Lite
Misc. H2O record:
4 oz (morning)
8 oz (late morning/early afternoon)
4 oz (afternoon)
8 oz (evening)
How compliant was I today?
Total calories: 1924 out of 1861 allowed
Total fluids: 1830 mL out of 1861 mL allowed
Protein: 76 g out of 53 g allowed
Phosphorus: 1156 out of 1200 mg allowed
Potassium: 2547 mg out of 2127 mg allowed
Sodium: 3271 mg out of 3000 allowed
I would have to say that I wasn't very compliant today, and rate myself as poor. I went over pretty badly on protein, potassium, and sodium and came pretty close on phosphorus. I kind of messed up with that chai latte, but boy was it good. I am, however, beginning to question the nutrient analysis I've been using because I added up the calories in my breakfast myself as I was making it (yes I do that kind of thing), and MyPyramid told me it was about 200 calories more than it should have been. So, I wonder how accurate it is after all. I don't know if I'm going to be able to put all of this into a more reliable analysis program before Monday, so I'm just going to have to go off of this.
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