So I am totally new to this blogging thing. In fact, this is the first one I've ever written! I got this bright idea today that people might be interested in learning how to eat healthy while sticking to a tight budget. As a "non-traditional" age college student, I know what it's like to have a part time income and full time bills. I also know how important it is to eat healthy, since I am studying nutrition.
Starting tomorrow, I am going to post what I ate for all my meals and snacks (along with pictures and recipes when possible) and tally up how well I met my daily recommendations for the food groups, along with an estimated cost for the meal. At the end of the week, I'll see how close I came to the USDA's "Thrifty Plan" for the weekly cost of food.
Why am I doing this? First, I hope that it will help keep me on track for eating healthy and spending less. If it inspires someone else to do the same along the way, that's even better. I'm on break from school for the next month, so if nothing else it will give me something to do-plus keep my mind on the subject I'm studying.
Doing school-like work over classmates would really think I'm off my rocker!
Billionaire Bacon
1 day ago
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