Many people seem to be having a difficult time with money right now, which adds extra stress to holiday gift giving. But to me, the holidays are about spending time with friends and family-not the monetary value of the gifts that are given.
In years past, my family has simply composed a wish list of our holiday desires, then opened our gifts with absolutely no surprise whatsoever. Sure-everyone got what they wanted-but what fun is it to shop from a list? I do that at least twice a week when I go to the grocery store.
This year, we are trying something different; adding some thoughtfulness with a twist of creativity!
The rules are simple:
1. You can only spend $5 on gifts for each person.
2. You have to make your purchases at the Dollar store.
Now, it is assumed that everyone is going to really try to come up with something creative to buy with their respective $5 limits-not just pick up the first five pieces of junk they see in the store. We'll see how it works out. I can honestly say I am looking forward to the challenge.
Here are some other ideas for making your holiday gift giving cheap, yet thoughtful and creative:
Do a "Secret Santa" gift swap within your group: put everyone's name in a bowl and each person chooses only one person to buy for. Set a price limit that fits everyone's budget.
Create a "theme" for your gift exchange. For example, the rule might be that the gift given to each person must represent a memory about them. When the gift is opened, the story is told. This works great for families and close friends.
Make your own gifts. The options are endless-crafts, photo albums, baked goods, etc.
Play "White Elephant" or "Rob your Neighbor". It's simple, and a lot of fun!
Each person brings a wrapped gift, which could be anything from something that was made, to one that was bought or even a "regift" that you want to try and pass on. Just make sure the rules are clear for what can be brought and how much, if anything, can be spent-and know that you might be bringing home that very same gift with you once again!
If you've never played the game, see this link for details on how it works:
The older I get, the less I desire-which makes it difficult for me to come up with items for a holiday wish list. I now see more value in spending time with loved ones than having a large stack of presents in front of me.
This year, I plan to focus more heavily on quality verses quantity. I encourage you to do the same!
Happy Holidays!
Billionaire Bacon
1 day ago
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